Found Wood

«For it is not the sandcastle that is the most important thing in the child’s sandbox. The most important thing is the picture of a sandcastle that the child had in mind before he started building it. Otherwise, why do you think the child will knock down the castle as soon as it is finished.»

This excerpt from Jostein Gaarder’s book «The Solitaire Mystery»* fits my found-wood works: I use it to transform the studio into a sandbox again and again where I play, with all seriousness and lightness.

I use pieces that can “get away” on the way to the form of my sculptures. The cutoffs that catch my eye go into a box. Then I play with colours. Larger plates serve as canvases. When I see a picture, I supplement it with small cut figures.

Sometimes I knock down the castle because I’m not too fond of the object. Others get a suspension and move to the studio wall: sellable works.

* 2001, excerpt translated from ‘Das Kartengeheimnis’, Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag Munich, page 242, Solitaire Mystery on Google Books.

«Distance» getting real in 24 seconds.