Live Sculpting

Over four days, sculptures are created live in Winterthur—in the old bus depot. Here, I work alongside seven students from the Brienz Woodcarving School. On Friday and Saturday, there is a depot party with sounds and wagon building next door.

The guests from Brienz work with chainsaws and chisels, while I limit myself to the saw. These days promise insights into the work process and comparing different techniques: Flyer PDF, Website Woodcarving School.

The vast hall (Maps) will be filled with sawdust for the last time until it is completely renovated. We are guests at «Art in the Depot», they will go on with exciting exhibitions. The dedicated carpenters and wagon builders of the «Holzlabor» in the hall next door are also celebrating their last Depotfaescht event here (see flyer PDF). I have been associated with Tobias Jordi and his team for years; here, you can see carpentry at its finest. Wagons can also be designed and built by yourself.

There is a lot to see! I work from Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm and will be at the festival on Friday evening. I can’t be there on Saturday—my work remains on display, and access is from 14 o’clock.

22.10.2024 - 26.10.2024

Tue-Fri work in progress 10 am to 6 pm, Sat exhibition starting 2 pm

Altes Busdepot, Tösstalstrasse 86, Winterthur

Insights into wagon building.

Marcel Bernet holzbildhauer figürlich holzskulptur sculptor figurative wood art

Meet us in sawdust.